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Personal Weather Stations

Personal weather stations, or simply weather stations for home usage, were what we called them. Personal weather stations are not even close to being…

What Is a Weather Station?

A weather station is a group of sensors used to measure atmospheric conditions in order to understand the local environment and weather. The majority…

APEXS update from Covid-19 temporary work suspension

APEXS update from work suspension 2019 Dear valued customer, I’m pleased to inform you that APEXS is back to normal to cater your weather station req…

APEXS Temporary Work Suspension for COVID19 health advisory

APEXS Work Suspension 2019 Dear valued customer, APEXS Temporary Work Suspension-COVID 19 health advisory. This is important advisory message on the …

APEXS is reachable on Facebook

APEXS on Facebook For a stronger presence, APEXS may also be found on Facebook. You can see the latest update from our page by visiting the following…

APEXS is reachable on Twitter

APEXS on Twitter For a stronger presence, APEXS may also be found on Twitter. You can see latest update from our page by visiting the following link …

APEXS is reachable on YouTube

APEXS on Youtube For a stronger presence, APEXS may also be found on YouTube. You can see latest update from our channel by visiting the following li…

APEXS is reachable on Google Business Site

APEXS on Google Business site For a stronger presence, APEXS may also be found on Google Business Site. You can see latest update from our page by vi…

APEXS is reachable on LinkedIn

APEXS on LinkedIn For a stronger presence, APEXS may also be found on LinkedIn. You can see latest update from our page by visiting the following lin…

APEXS is reachable on Pinterest

APEXS on Pinterest For a stronger presence, APEXS may also be found on Pinterest. You can see latest update from our page by visiting the following l…

APEXS is reachable on Flickr

APEXS on Flickr For a stronger presence, APEXS may also be found on Flickr. You can see latest update from our page by visiting the following link or…

APEXS is reachable on Tumblr

APEXS on Tumblr For a stronger presence, APEXS may also be found on Tumblr. You can see tumblr latest update from our page by visiting the following …

APEXS is reachable on Reddit

APEXS on Reddit For a stronger presence, APEXS may also be found on Reddit. You can see latest update from our community page by visiting the followi…

APEXS is reachable on Foursquare

APEXS on Foursquare For a stronger presence, APEXS may also be found on Foursquare. You can see the latest update from our page by visiting the follo…

APEXS is reachable on Yelp business page

APEXS on Yelp business For a stronger presence, APEXS may also be found on Yelp's business page. You can see our latest update from our yelp page…

2019 LGU Duero Bohol installed Automated Weather Station using Davis Vantage Vue

Weather Station from LGU Duero Bohol This is a post-event from the 2019 installation of an Automated Weather Station by LGU Duero Bohol utilizing Dav…

Site Visit from CPSU AMIA team LGU Pontevedra in 2020

2020 Ocular Inspection from CPSU AMIA team LGU Pontevedra This is a scheduled site visit from Central Philippines State University (CPSU) AMIA team w…


The following design was used for the APEXS logo. This is the APEXS, Inc. logo. Year around 2000 Year around 2017 Year around 2019

APEXS is looking for Engineering Support Staff

Good news to job seekers! We are looking for Engineering Support Staff. More information can be found at We have posted the job informatio…

2019 Dole Philippines (Stanfilco Division) weather station maintenance schedule

10 Weather Stations from Dole Philippines (Stanfilco Division) Ten weather stations are being maintained by Dole Philippines (Stanfilco Division) in …